Gun Owner of California Monthly Cigar Club
$15.50 now, and $15.50 on the 1st of each month
Join the Gun Owner of California Solo Mio Cigar Club and elevate your cigar experience. In your first month, you’ll receive the Torpedo Golden cigar, a complimentary stainless steel guillotine cutter, and a box of premium cigar matches. Every month after that, you’ll receive another Torpedo Golden cigar along with a fresh box of matches, all delivered straight to your door..
Your cigars come sealed in a pharmaceutical-grade glass tube, ensuring peak freshness and portability.
- 1 handmade Gun Owner of California  cigar each month.
- A stainless steel guillotine cutter (first month only).
- A box of PAYNE-MASON cigar matches with each shipment.
- 10% off all Gun Owner of California cigar purchases online.
- A minimum commitment of 6 months for the Gun Owner of California Solo Mio Cigar Club membership.
Additional Details:
First payment: February 1, 2025